
UniCredit Bulbank and Mastercard donate 100 thousand BGN for the training of guide dogs, which will provide daily support to people with visual impairments and will help them feel more confident and independent in their everyday life.
The amount was collected after an announcement of UniCredit Bulbank from the end of April that until 31 st of July will allocate for dotation activities of "Eyes on 4 paws" foundation 1 cent for every payment made with the newly issued Mastercard cards. The accumulated sum was announced on daily basis every working day on the official website of UniCredit Bulbank.
The bank is gradually renewing the cards of its cardholders with Mastercard Touch Card™ - cards with a unique vision and design, created for easy recognition of the type of card by people with impaired vision.
"We gratefully accept this sum, which will allow us to "graduate" more dogs, so that they, in turn, can provide the necessary support to people with visual impairments and provide them with more independence," said Albena Aleksieva, the founder and chairman of the "Eyes on four paws" foundation.
"Our mission is to create opportunities for growth and create an inclusive environment. In the face of "Eyes on 4 paws" we saw a partner who shares our values and we are happy to support their goal in providing a full life to people with impaired vision", said Tsvetanka Mincheva, CEO of UniCredit Bulbank, when presenting the check .
It turns out that in Europe there are over 30 million people who are blind and visually impaired, or in other words approximately 1 out of 30 Europeans is visually impaired. That's why the innovative design of the new Mastercard Touch Card™ is distinguished by a side notch, which serves to identify the correct card with just a touch, which increases independence when paying online or at a physical merchant.
Reflection of the bank’s principles is the decision the new cards to be produced from recycled PVC. A proof of sustainability is the Mastercard Sustainable Card Badge, printed on each product of this series.
"Our joint campaign with UniCredit Bulbank has many clear and measurable benefits for society. We are about to develop our strategic partnership with more different initiatives so as to create a world without barriers," added Vanya Manova, Mastercard Regional Manager for Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo.
Additional media information:
Ekaterina Ancheva, tel +359 894 518 193 , flbufsjob/bodifwbAvojdsfejuhspvq/ch