
The first bank in UniCredit Group to extend its possibilities for online communication with existing and future customers;
Expect the analysis by Tsvetanka Mincheva, Deputy Head of Retail Banking Division, on “Is saving time and money through use of alternative channels a myth?”
“Some of the main principles for us, the people of UniCredit, are integrity and transparency. I hope that this blog is one more step towards asserting these principles in our dialogue with the customers”, commented Mr. Levon Hampartzoumian, Chief Executive Officer of UniCredit Bulbank, at a meeting with renowned Bulgarian bloggers.
At the meeting the bank presented its project in front of some of the most notorious bloggers who have experience in the field of financial and economic analyses, technological and marketing innovations and online communications.
As Levon Hampartzoumian pointed out, UniCredit Bulbank is trying to identify the most successful channels for beneficial dialogue with existing and future customers of the bank and to use them in order to be closer to them and understand them.
“Blogosphere is a special case – a challenging, fast changing network of active people who have an opinion and want to voice it. We sympathize with them and would like to be a participant that is as much active as they are in the two-way communication”, he added.
At the beginning of next week expect also the analysis by Tsvetanka Mincheva, Deputy Head of Retail Banking Division, on “Is saving time and money through use of alternative channels a myth?”
More information for media:
UniCredit Bulbank, Identity & Communications Department
Viktoria Blajeva, Phone: + 359 2 9264 993, wjlj/ebwjepwbAvojdsfejuhspvq/ch
Ekaterina Ancheva, Phone: + 359 2 9264 963, flbufsjob/bodifwbAvojdsfejuhspvq/ch
Magdalena Ivanova, Phone: + 359 2 9232 528, nbhebmfob/jwbopwbAvojdsfejuhspvq/ch