
All clients of the UniCredit Bulbank and those who enjoy photography can enjoy for free 40 impressive photographs of Daniela Emanuilova and Teodora Lilyan. The exhibition "For Her" is in the first ladies' branch of the bank - the Donna Branch in downtown Sofia, and will be on until 19th June (included). The photo exhibition is part of the Month of Photography 2013, of which UniCredit Bulbank has already become the official bank.
"For Her" was officially opened on 6th June by the CEO of UniCredit Bulbank Levon Hampartzoumian, who expressed the bank's commitment to support valuable projects in the field of culture. "For a second year now our modern art gallery UniCredit Studio gives the floor to young artists, including painters and photographers. To us they are the real heroes, whom UniCredit Bulbank always and with pleasure supports", said Hampartzoumian at the opening of the exhibition.
An inspiration for the exhibited artists Daniela Emanuilova and Teodora Lilyan was their meeting with actor Sean Penn's brother – Irving Penn, who depicted various professions in his photographs – diver, baker, milk man. Daniela and Teodora, however, decided to present the real life of women.
"The topic was not randomly chosen. It is a real challenge and something that has been of interest to us as artists for a long time. However, we have decided to take an untraditional approach to the preparation of such a project", the artists say. The photographs are black and white. The artists have used only the available light and a reflector to preserve the ambience of their setting. The size of the shots is 75/50 cm for a stronger impact. The processing of the photographs is kept to the minimum, because the authors want to show the real face of the woman in today's digital era.
The exhibition "For Her" is open to the public from 7th to 19th June 2013 in the Ladies Branch Donna, 58 Alabin Str., free admission.
The Ladies' Branch as venue of the exhibition was selected with the aim to bring together artwork which shows the different faces of the woman, and the new model of bank services fully in line with the different stages of a woman's life and her individual needs. A distinctive advantage of most Donna products is that they offer preferential terms for the first three years of maternity, and a percentage of the paid interests/fees is provided for support of the social causes on the website
About the authors of the exhibition "For Her":
Daniela Emanuilova was born in Pazardzhik. She has graduated a high-school specialized in mathematics. She has participated in a number of photographic forums in Plovdiv, Sofia and Pazardzhik. She has worked as a photographer for the online editions and
Teodora Dancheva (Teodora Lilyan) has graduated the French language high-school in Blagoevgrad. She has participated in collective exhibitions during her studies in the National Academy for Theatre and Film Art. She has worked on designs for advertising (posters and programme) of the festival "Autumn Theatrical Meetings" - the town of Pazardzhik in 2010.
More information for clients:
UniCredit Bulbank, Call Centre
Phone: 0700 1 84 84
More information for media:
UniCredit Bulbank, Identity & Communications Department
Viktoria Blajeva, Phone: + 359 2 9264 993, wjlj/ebwjepwbAvojdsfejuhspvq/ch
Ekaterina Ancheva, Phone: + 359 2 9264 963, flbufsjob/bodifwbAvojdsfejuhspvq/ch
Magdalena Ivanova, Phone: + 359 2 9232 528, nbhebmfob/jwbopwbAvojdsfejuhspvq/ch