Online Payment Tips
We recommend
Iconyou to choose websites included in the Visa and MasterCard secure payment programs.
If the website does not support them
Iconcheck if it is secure – look for a key or padlock icon (in the link’s name) of at the bottom of your browser.
Avoid any free
Iconand public Wi-Fi networks when making card payments.
Make sure that the antivirus
Iconsoftware on your device is active.
Use your card in person only
Iconand do not give it to your relatives, acquaintances or friends.
Know your card’s transaction
Iconlimits when making payments.
Subscribe your card, free of charge
Iconfor the online secure payments service and confirm your purchases through your personal virtual PIN.
Change your passwords regularly
IconDo not use identical or easy to guess passwords when registering online.
Do not store your card details
Iconin websites in which you make payments and do not write them on paper next to your computer or mobile device.
If you receive a message on behalf of the bank
IconVisa, MasterCard, another institution or merchant requiring submission of personal and/or card details, email address, passwords, etc. for verification of your profile, keep in mind that this is a malicious attempt. If you have provided your data, immediately inform the bank to block your card.
Before paying for goods
Iconor services online, check the reputation of the site and merchant in independent blogs or forums.
Do not accept automatically
Iconthe general conditions (GC) of the website upon registration. Check the delivery time, subscription, cancellation policy and return policy of the product, registration of complaints, warranty, etc.
Be careful
Iconwhen offered any “free” or “demo” product/services by a merchant. If the services offered are free of charge, the merchant should not request of any card details from you.
Review the terms and conditions
Iconof websites offering different types of subscriptions (online games, antivirus software, promotional activities, etc.) concerning your consent/refusal for automatic subscription and regular charging of your card with a certain amount.
Keep the electronic payment receipt
Iconemail or other correspondence with the merchant. It can be useful in case of payment dispute.
If the merchant fails to send/provide
Iconthe goods or services in the appropriate form, you should contact him to clarify the matter. In the event of dispute, contact the bank for assistance.
Review your monthly account
Iconstatement for any card payments and where needed, contact the bank for assistance.