Everyday Banking
Fully online for new customers
Get your current account with a debit card and Plus plan now. Become a customer of UniCredit Bulbank fully online through Bulbank Mobile.
Electronic Services
Various online and mobile solutions for easier banking plus text notifications.
Virtual bank branch
With UniCredit Bulbank's virtual branch, you get comprehensive and remote banking services, request products and sign documents online.
UniCredit Bulbank can help you take the complexity out of payments.
Documents about the client
Learn about the basic information and documents you need to provide in order to be client of UniCredit Bulbank.
Safe Deposit Boxes
Use UniCredit Bulbank's deposit boxes for saving precious valuables.
Cybersecurity tips
Cybersecurity tips from UniCredit Bulbank.
Two years on Plus
Take advantage of two years of banking without a monthly fee with Plan "Plus" for young people aged 18 to 25 until 31.05.2025.