Legal entities
Basic documents
According to the requirements of the applicable legislation, when engaging in business relations with the Bank (provision of product or service, including account opening), clients must provide the Bank with documents and information related to their identification. In case of change of any circumstance, the information must be updated in a timely manner.
In order to get acquainted with the basic necessary documents, please select the option that is applicable to you.
Legal entities registered in the Commercial register and the Register of Non-profit legal entities (NPLE) or the Bulstat Register
Types of legal entities
Merchants under the Commercial Act
- (Single) Limited Liability Company
- (Single) Joint Stock Company
- Limited Partnership Company (with shares)
- Joint Stock Company
- Sole Proprietor
- Single state-owned trading company
- Commercial company with municipal participation
NPLE (registered in the Commercial Register after 01.01.2018)
- Non-governmental organization
- Association, Foundation
- Community center
Other type of merchant
- State/municipal enterprise
- Public enterprise (incl. under special law)
- Co-operative - Co-operative / Co-operative federation/ enterprise/ union
Basic documents
- Identity documents and, if applicable, certified copies of other official personal documents of the legal representatives, the beneficial owners and the persons having the right to operate with the funds available on the bank account;
- Specimens of the signatures of the persons who have the right to operate with the funds available on the bank account (template of the Bank);
- Licenses and permits, if applicable, for the performed activity;
- Know Your Customer Questionnaire and/or declarations – templates of the bank. Filled out and signed by the legal representative;
- In case the owner of the company is another legal entity, registered in the Commercial Register or the Register of NPLE, or that is foreign legal entity, for that owner documents must be provided according to the type of legal entity or its national legislation;
* In addition to the listed basic documents, the Bank reserves the right to request additional ones, including and in accordance with the applicable legislation as well as with the General terms and conditions for opening, servicing and closing bank accounts of legal entities and sole proprietors and for the provision of payment services.
Legal entities and Sole proprietors in process of registration
Individuals authorized to open capital-raising account
- Individuals authorized to open capital/donation raising account - for raising of funds provided for the incorporation or for the increase of the capital of a limited liability company (OOD) or a single-member limited liability company (EOOD) - the founders or the elected manager(s) or their proxy, if there is a decision for this in the articles of association and an explicit notarized power of attorney;
- For raising donations in favour of a foundation which is in process of incorporation - the members of the managing body or their proxy, as the manner of exercising the representative power is determined in the constitutive act and explicitly notarized power of attorney;
- Individuals authorized to open capital-raising account – for raising of funds provided for the incorporation or for the increase of the capital of a joint-stock company (AD), single-member joint-stock company (EAD) and limited partnership with a share capital (KDA) in accordance with and pursuant to the conditions of the Commerce Act and other relevant regulations - the members of the Management Board / Board of Directors (acting jointly) or their proxy, with an explicit notarized power of attorney / Unlimited liability partner (s) or his / their proxy, with an explicit notarized power of attorney.
Basic documents
- Articles of incorporation/ minutes of the general meeting of the shareholders presented on paper – original;
- Identity documents of the legal representatives, the persons having the right to operate with the funds available on the bank account according to the presented specimens and, if applicable, of the beneficial owners;
- Know Your Customer Questionnaire and/or declarations – templates of the bank. Filled out and signed by the individual authorized to open the capital-raising account;
- In case the owner of the company is another legal entity, registered in the Commercial Register or the Register of NPLE, or that is foreign legal entity, for that owner documents must be provided according to the type of legal entity or its national legislation.
* In addition to the listed basic documents, the Bank reserves the right to request additional ones, including and in accordance with the applicable legislation as well as with the General terms and conditions for opening, servicing and closing bank accounts of legal entities and sole proprietors and for the provision of payment services.
Self-employed legal persons
Other additional documents according to the type of the self-employed legal person
Copy of the excerpt from the Register of the Bar Association;
Copy of the lawyer's card;
When registering a foreign national practicing on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, only an excerpt from the Unified Register of Foreign Lawyers and the Register of Foreign Lawyers is required.
Excerpt from the Register of the Notary Chamber;
Copy of the order for entry in the register of the Notary Chamber, issued by the Minister of Justice (under Article 12, paragraph 3 of the Notaries and Notarial Practice Act).
Private Enforcement Agents
Excerpt from the Register of the Private Enforcement Agents;
Copy of the order for delegation of enforcement powers by the Minister of Justice (under Article 11, paragraph 2, or under §1, paragraph 2 of the Transitional and final provisions of the Private Enforcement Agents Act).
Insurance broker/ Insurance agent
Copy of the certificate issued by the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) for the entry of the insurance broker/ agent in the register kept by the Commission under Art. 30 (1), item 9 of the FSC Act.

Basic documents
Identity document;
Know Your Customer Questionnaire and/or declarations – templates of the bank.
* For information about other types of accounts for other types of legal entities not listed here, please consult a bank employee.
Legal entities registered outside Bulgaria
Basic documents
- Copy of valid Articles of Association/ Memorandum of Association/ Deed of Incorporation/ other instrument of incorporation of the legal entity, certified as a true copy with the signature of its representative/s;
- Original/s of official document/s certifying the registration and the current standing of the circumstances entered for the legal entity, issued by the competent authority according to its national legislation, by which, together with the circumstances entered in regard of the name, the legal form, seat, management and mailing address, the current subject of activity, the period of existence, the control bodies, the management and representative bodies, the type and composition of the collective management body, the ownership and control structure, the main place of business, certifying the persons that manage and represent it and the method of exercising their powers of representation;
- Identity documents and, if applicable, certified copies of other official personal documents of the beneficial owners and the persons having the right to operate with the funds available on the bank account.
- Specimens of the signatures of the persons who have the right to operate with the funds available on the bank account (template of the Bank);
- Licenses and permits, if applicable, for the performed activity;
- Know Your Customer Questionnaire and/or declarations – templates of the bank. Filled out and signed by the legal representative;
- In case the owner of the company is another legal entity, registered in the Commercial Register or the Register of NPLE, or that is foreign legal entity, for that owner documents must be provided according to the type of legal entity or its national legislation.
* Documents issued by a public authority or certified by a legally capable foreign notary public shall have an Apostille affixed thereto if issued or certified respectively in a signatory country to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents (published in the State Gazette 45/ 2001) or in accordance with an effective agreement on legal assistance between the Republic of Bulgaria and the country where the documents were issued/certified or certified pursuant to the Rules for legalization, certification and translation of documents and other papers if they were issued/certified on the territory of a signatory country to the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents or a country with which Bulgaria has entered into a legal assistance agreement. Documents which are issued and/or drawn up in a foreign language shall have an official translation into Bulgarian.
** In addition to the listed basic documents, the Bank reserves the right to request additional ones, including and in accordance with the applicable legislation as well as with the General terms and conditions for opening, servicing and closing bank accounts of legal entities and sole proprietors and for the provision of payment services