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Online International Travel Insurance

Be prepared and ensure your peace of mind during your trip by getting:

  • Travel insurance with a wide selection of coverages and insurance amounts
  • 24/7 assistance in case of urgent need of medical care abroad
  • Online insurance provided by UniCredit Bulbank and Allianz Partners

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Online International Travel Insurance



Medical travel insurance


  • COVID coverage and 24-hour assistance line
  • Medical costs abroad
  • Protection of passenger luggage
  • Search and rescue
  • Personal civil liability
  • Single or family rate
  • Single insurance (Balance, Classic and Premium packages) or annual insurance (Multitrip)
  • Prices from BGN 10.73 per trip*

Trip cancellation insurance


  • Cancellation of a trip before the date of departure
  • Cancellation of a trip on the date of departure
  • 24-hour assistance line
  • Cancellation of a trip due to illness or accident
  • Reimbursement of costs incurred
  • Prices from BGN 25.00 per trip*


Prices from BGN 10.73 including insurance tax (My Balance Travel single insurance, 4 days in Europe, one insured person aged 30).

Prices from BGN 25.00 including insurance tax (My Trip Cancellation Insurance for one insured person aged 30 and coverage up to BGN 500).

Prices from BGN 169.00 including insurance tax (My Multitrip insurance for the whole year for one insured person aged 30).




Subject of the Insurance


The product covers the travelers’ needs for emergency care during their stay abroad by providing over 20 insurance coverages worldwide.



The single insurance does not cover travels longer than 15/93 consecutive days depending on the selected package. It is not allowed to conclude consecutive policies for the same person in order to obtain a longer than the defined insurance period.

Insurance Payment


The insurance premium must be payed before the start of the trip.



The insurance period begins at 00:00 h. on the date of departure and ends at 24:00 h. on the date of arrival, as specified in the policy.

The insurance must be concluded before departure from Bulgaria. Insurance coverage is not provided for policies concluded after the commencement of travel.

Territorial Coverage


The annual Multitrip insurance provides medical coverage around the world, except for Bulgaria. The trip interruption coverage applies worldwide, including Bulgaria.

The single insurance provides coverage in a selected territorial coverage.*

- for the countries of Europe, the countries of the Mediterranean Basin, the Canary Islands, the island of Madeira and the Russian Federation - if the selected coverage is Europe;

- for all countries around the world, the Worldwide incl. USA and Canada coverage should be selected;

- for all countries around the world with the exception of USA and Canada - if the selected coverage is Worldwide excluding USA and Canada.

- Insurance coverage or assistance cannot be provided on the territory of Bulgaria, as well as in countries with active military operations or countries specifically excluded by the insurer /e.g. North Korea/



Frequently asked questions


Insurance or Insurance contract is a type of contract that is concluded between a legal entity (Insurer) and an individual (Insured). By this contract, the Insurer agrees to assume a certain type and level of risk for a fee. In the specific case of trip abroad insurance, in return for payment of a pre-calculated insurance premium (insurance price), the Insurer agrees to assume the risk of paying any unforeseen expenses incurred by the Insured, such as expenses for:

  • Treatment abroad due to accident/illness/injury;
  • Medical transportation;
  • Search and rescue;
  • Interrupted or canceled trip
  • Compensation for stolen or lost luggage;
  • Dental treatment, as well as other risks previously described in the insurance contract.

The insurance premium is the cost of the insurance to be paid by the insured person upon conclusion of an insurance contract.

The cost of insurance (insurance premium) is calculated individually depending on various parameters, such as: the age of the insured, the duration of the trip, the number of insured persons, the geographical area to which the trip will be made, the insurance coverages included in the contract and their limit. Also, depending on the type of insurance contract (e.g. trip cancellation insurance), the cost of the trip may also be related to the cost of the insurance.

In the event that an insured event requires the provision of urgent and emergency care, the insured or another person must immediately contact the local emergency center in the country in which they are located (e.g. tel. "112" in Europe, tel. "911" in the US, etc.). After emergency assistance, the insured should contact Allianz Assistance Center at +359 2 950 38 50 as soon as possible for further assistance and support.  In case the insured event is not life-threatening and does not require urgent and timely intervention of a medical team, the insured can contact Allianz Travel Assistance Center at any time of the day. The contact number of Allianz Travel Assistance Center can be found in the insurance policy or in the email confirmation received after concluding/purchasing the insurance.

In order to be served quickly and competently, prepare the following information in advance:

  • What happened? Who is the victim? (brief presentation of the event and initial diagnosis)
  • Where and when did the event occur? (country, region, nearby city)
  • Where is the patient? (hospital name and phone number)
  • What is the local doctor's name? (name, working hours, spoken language)
  • Who can the Insurer contact? (contact with the group leader, relatives, etc.)
  • What is the number of your insurance policy?

The risk of Trip Cancellation is covered in certain insurance contracts – for example, in the case of Trip Cancellation or Multitrip with Trip Cancellation insurance. By concluding the insurance, you will be able to avoid or minimize financial losses from penalties and get back the funds you prepaid for the trip.

After completing the online insurance purchase process, you will receive an automatic email to the email address specified by you. All the necessary documents under the insurance contract will be attached to it.

Depending on your needs during your trip, you can choose one of three Allianz Travel packages - Balance, Classic or Premium. Each of the packages is characterized by different insurance coverage and limits. More information about individual insurances can be found in Documents.

Travel with peace of mind without thinking about insurance every time - with Multitrip all your trips are insured within one year!

  • Online insurance saves you time and effort;
  • Data protection guarantee;
  • Secure payment by credit or debit card;
  • Full coverage at competitive prices.

How can I conclude an online International Travel Insurance policy? 


Select your insurance policy.


Enter the period and the number of travelers.


Confirm the selected offer and conclude it online.


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