Consumer Loans
Consumer Loan
Consumer credit in BGN
- 150 BGN
- 100000 BGN
At the option of the borrower:
Fixed for the entire credit period
Variable - set aside of market interest rate index
Student Loan
Focus on learning with the help of the student loan. Use the money to pay the fees, current maintenance, student exchanges, buying a computer, textbooks.
- 1000 BGN
- 500 EUR
Financial collateral arrangements
Loan collateralised with a guarantee (with up to two guarantors) - up to BGN 25,000
Loan collateralised with a mortgage - up to 70% of the market value of the immovable property proposed for collateral on the loan.
Loan with Financial Collateral Arrangements
Save without being concerned and take consumer loan collateralised with cash in an account opened with the Bank to meet your current needs.
- 500 BGN
- 250 EUR
Financial collateral arrangements
Bank guarantees
Local and foreign government securities
Local and foreign corporate securities
Mutual funds
Life insurance of a saving nature
Loan for your Golden years
Consumer loan for clients in retirement age.
- 500 BGN
- 10000 BGN