Programme “Recommend and Save”
It is easy to recommend and save!
We know that the recommendation of a friend is the most valuable one. That is why we created the “Recommend and Save” programme, which gives you the opportunity to help a friend, a close one or a relative with their choice of financial institution and both of you will benefit from a deserved bonus up to 500 BGN. The more clients you refer, the more you will save!
If you have a mortgage loan with us and your friend is also interested in getting one, recommend UniCredit Bulbank to him/her and we will make a one-off refund of BGN 500 on the monthly interest payment on your loan and your friend will save up to 100% on the fee for preparation of the documents for the collateral on the mortgage loan (up to BGN 500).
What exactly will you get?
If the person you have referred us to gets an approval for a mortgage loan from UniCredit Bulbank, after the date of loan drawdown, you will get from us a one-off refund for the respective month*:
- an amount of BGN 500 on the basis of the interest rate payments made by you on your loan
If you have more than one loan, the bank will refund you only once the amount of BGN 500 or more, depending on the number of clients you have referred whose mortgage loan is drown down.**
What will your friend get?
- He/she will save 100% (but not more than BGN 500) on the fee for preparation of the documents for the collateral on their mortgage loan according to the bank’s effective tariff for private individuals as of the date of loan drawdown;
- Adequate consulting and overall assistance during the whole process – from the application phase until the date of the mortgage loan drawdown;
- Transparent and competitive terms for a mortgage loan, aligned with the individual capacity and requirements of the client.
What do you need to do?
- Recommend UniCredit Bulbank to a friend, relative or an acquaintance who is interested in getting a mortgage loan.
- The friend you have referred to us needs to apply for a mortgage loan in the bank and when submitting the loan request he/she should indicate you as the person making the referral.
- The bank employee will undertake actions to process the referral in order to reimburse your due amount and deduct the fee of your friend.
- If the person you have referred has an approved and drawn mortgage loan, you will get a refund in the amount of BGN 500 to your account with the bank.
Share with your friends and family the opportunity to acquire a new home with a mortgage loan from UniCredit Bulbank and get a guaranteed refund on an interest payment on your loan!
You can get more information about the programme from the Client Call Center by calling 0700 1 84 84 or at the nearest bank branch.
*In order to get a refund on the interest payment in the amount of BGN 500, at the time of approval of the referral you are required to have no defaults on your credit liabilities with UniCredit Bulbank (consumer loans, credit cards, etc.).
**In case you have referred more than one client, you will get a refund according to the above-described terms and conditions on as many preferences in the amount of BGN 500 as the number of clients who have drawn a mortgage loan and who you referred during the current month.