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History CHF

Currency Rates

Exchange rates of CHF to BGN Nominal: 1

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Date and time Buys, Cash Sells, Cash Buys, Non-cash Sells, Non-cash BNB
30.12.2025, 17:09 2.037700 2.120900 2.042900 2.115700 2.081560
30.12.2025, 08:25 2.044200 2.112800 2.050300 2.110700 2.081560
27.12.2024, 17:04 2.040400 2.123700 2.045600 2.118500 2.094930
27.12.2024, 08:14 2.046700 2.130300 2.059300 2.117700 2.094930