Required documents
Template documents of the Bank
The template documents of the Bank shall be filled in and certified by the legal representative/proxy writing down the date, his/her name and signature. It shall be specified that the authorized person has the right to fill in and sign declarations (Declaration as per article 59, paragraph 1, item 3 on a beneficial owner and Declaration on the origin of funds as per article 66 of MAMLA) and documents related to the requirements of the Measures Against Money Laundering Act (MAMLA). The original power of attorney or a notary certified copy of it shall be provided in original or notarized.
Required in case if:
- MORE than three client-related Individuals - legal representatives, owners and controlling individuals and/or
- MORE than two related Legal Entities (LE) - intermediate owners in the ownership structure.
Download here.
Mandatory document.
Depending on the origin of funds and source of wealth specified by you in Appendix 3, you shall provide also a certified copy of the respective document.
In addition to the documents described in the Appendix, other documents may be requested on a case-by-case basis in order to ascertain the source of wealth/origin of funds.
Download here.
As per article 59, paragraph 1, item 3 of MAMLA, Appendix 2 to article 37, paragraph 1 of the Rules on Application of the Measures Against Money Laundering Act.
Required in case:
- the beneficial owners of the company are not evident in the documents provided (section I. of the Appendix) and/or
- the controlling LEs of the company are not evident in the documents provided (section II of the Appendix) and/or
- the legal representatives do not have a permanent address in the country, it is necessary to specify a contact person in Bulgaria (section III. of the Appendix).
IMPORTANT: When declaring contact person details, it is required that the person provides his/her consent to that representation certified by a notary public.
Download here.
Required documents if necessary
The documents shall be issued not earlier than:
- twelve months prior to their submission to the Bank.
- six months - with regard to a transcript/copy of a register of shareholders, minutes from general meetings, shareholders lists.
In case an owner of the legal entity is another FOREIGN LEGAL ENTITY, its relevant documents must be provided according to the type of the legal entity or its national legislation.
All copies of the documents shall be certified as true copies by means of the signature of the legal representative of the company and a stamp (if applicable).
Please see the Required Documents for Legal Entities with a Specific Legal Form listed in the "Documents depending on the type of person" section.
Certificate of good standing of each of the intermediate owners shall be provided up to the beneficial owner.
The documents are not required by the persons entered in the Commercial Register and the Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities at the Registry Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Transcript/copy of shareholder books, minutes of general meetings, lists of shareholders, must be provided by joint-stock companies, as well as in the presence of such in the ownership structure, in case the documents:
- are NOT entered in the Commercial Register or
- are entered in the Commercial Register, but are older than 6 months.
In case there has been a change in the documents initially provided for your registration at the Bank, the up-to-date documents shall be submitted.
The documents are NOT required by persons entered in the Commercial Register and the Register of Non-Profit Legal Entities at the Registry Agency of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Provided if applicable.
Required in case of change and/or new license/permits.
Provided if applicable.
The original copy or a notary certified one is required.
The authorizing person’s signature shall be put in the presence of an employee of the bank or certified by a notary public.
Authorization form - signed in the presence of an employee of the Bank.
The specimen of signatures is a template document of the Bank.
The specimen shall be placed in front of an employee of the Bank or certified by a notary public.
Download here.
Documents depending on the type of person
- A copy of the registration form of an agricultural producer entered in the Register of Agricultural Producers.
- A copy of Articles of Association.
- A transcript (duplicate) of a court decision certified by the court for initial registration of the legal entity (with a stamp of the court) and a certificate of valid registrations on the file.
- A copy of the List of members of the Management Body with personal number/foreigner’s personal number/ date of birth for the persons without a personal number.
- A copy of the certificate of BULSTAT registration.
*Including political parties and religious communities/denominations
- A copy of the certificate from a district court for registration of a law firm in the register as per article 62 of the Bar Act.
- A copy of the certificate of BULSTAT registration.
- Agreement for establishing the company as per the Obligations and Contracts Act (OCA) and a copy thereof. There are two options for the agreement:
without a notary certification of the signatures -> not required by law for the agreement to be valid
with a notary certification of the signatures –> required in case the agreement provides for the authorization of one of the partners in the company or of a third person to order transactions on the accounts used for keeping the partners’ mutual cash funds
- A copy of Registration Certificate from the BULSTAT register at the Registry Agency.
- A certificate of good standing for each of the intermediate owners up to the beneficial owner.
- Documents related to the identification of the legal entity in line with its type.
- A copy of an identification card or a registration certificate from the BULSTAT register.
- A copy of a document certifying the right to operate on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
- A copy of a tax registration certificate.
- A copy of Decision for registration with the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry certifying the registration of a trade representation office, the legal representatives and their rights.
- A copy of a statement from the Register of the Bar Association.
- A copy of the attorney card.
- When registering a foreign person working on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, only a statement from the Single Register of Foreign Attorneys-at-Law and the Register of Foreign Attorneys-at-law is required.
- A statement from the Register of the Notary Chamber.
- A copy of an order for registration in the Register of the Notary Chamber issued by the Minister of Justice (in compliance with article 12, paragraph 3 of the Notaries and Notarial Practice Act).
- A statement from the Register of Private Enforcement Agents.
- A copy of an order mandating enforcement powers by the Minister of Justice (in compliance with article 11, paragraph 2 or §1, paragraph 2 of the Transitional and Concluding Provisions of the Private Enforcement Agents Act).
- A copy of a certificate issued by the Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) for registration of the insurance broker/agent in the register kept by the commission in compliance with article 30 (1), item 9 of the FSC Act.
- A copy of certificate of registration in the Public Register of the municipal/regional administration for associations of apartment owners.
- A copy of an agreement establishing an association of the owners.
- A copy of the certificate of BULSTAT registration.
Identity documents
A valid identity document is required for each legal representative, proxy, beneficial owner and for the controlling persons. The copy shall be certified by the holder of the document or by the legal representative of the company or an authorized person placing in his/her own handwriting “true copy”, date, names and signature.
In the case of more than one nationality, it is necessary to provide the relevant document certifying it.
The mandatory details that shall be evident in the presented identity documents are:
- names
- date of birth
- place of birth
- number of the document
- date of expiry of the document
- authority that issued the document
- country of permanent residence
- permanent address (Post box number is not sufficient. In this case another document may be required, e.g. utility bills with an address, long-term/permanent residence permit; address card by a hotel, student's record book, a copy of an employment contract/ service contract)
Depositing documents
In Bulbank Online (BBO) for legal entities in Administration of profiles module there is an available option to Update customer data digitally.
Registration for the service provides you with the option to:
- Review the information previously provided to the Bank and amend/update as necessary.
- Submit Know Your Customer Questionnaire and all required documents completely remotely.
You need to subscribe to the service by submitting an Application for managing access to digital functionalities in the Bulbank Online e- banking service that can be electronically signed through the Digital Document Exchange Platform or with a Qualified Electronic Signature (QES) by email to your servicing relationship manager in UniCredit Bulbank.
Important information regarding Application for managing access:
Know your customer Questionnaire can be filled in either by the legal representative of entity, or by a person authorized with the relevant powers but it can be signed and sent for further processing by the legal representative only.
Submitting the Questionnaire via Bulbank Online offers the following benefits:
- Convenience – you can provide the Questionnaire and all required documents digitally at a convenient time and familiar electronic environment
- Speed – in case the data you see in the Questionnaire are up-to-date as of the moment of the KYC review, the main what you need to do is to attach the required documents and to confirm the review in the platform.
- Flexibility – in case you need to pause filling in of the Questionnaire, you can resume at a convenient time from the place already reached.
- Customiziation – the Questionnaire in Bulbank Online shows only the fields relevant to the legal entity represented by you and its related parties depending on the data filled in previously (e.g. issuer and validity term of license would be visible only in case information about activity of the entity subject to licensing was submitted before).
- Editing – when necessary to edit a field already filled, you can do so by clicking “Edit” button, as well as by the final review of the Questionnaire before signing it.
- Visibility – the application will guide you through the Questionnaire and at each screen displayed, there is an indication of the current step as well as if there are any mandatory fields not filled in.
- Clarifications – for your convenience there are info buttons with additional clarifications regarding the required information, as well as noting the size and format of the documents you need to attach.
- Compactness – in case you represent more than one legal entity whose client data needs to be updated, the Questionnaires of all the entities will be presented as a list in your Bulbank Online profile.
- Awareness – field “Due date for filling in“ shows the date when the review needs to be finished. When that date is overdue, the accounts of the entity will be suspended for outcoming transactions, as well as the access to all other functionalities of Bulbank Online would be ceased but you would still be able to submit the Questionnaire and the required documents via Bulbank Online.
In order to ensure faster and easier experience, you can prepare and scan the required documents in advance:
- Identity document (face and back) for each related person (legal representative/ beneficial owner) in the Questionnaire. For foreigners residing in the country (with Personal number of a foreigner) it is required to present their national passport and the residence permit.
Allowed file formats are jpg, jpeg with maximum size 1 MB.
- Documents, establishing change of circumstances in data of a foreign legal entity
- Licenses (where applicable)
- Other documents applicable, in case required by the Bank, including documents proving origin of funds, Appendix 4 and 5 of Know your customer Questionnaire, etc.
Allowed file formats are jpg, jpeg, tif, tiff, pdf with maximum size 5 MB.
No identity documents/ identification document of the legal representatives and proxies sent via e-mail shall be accepted. They shall be provided at the Bank.
Each document shall be signed separately by means of a QES.
- with a qualified electronic signature (QES) via e-mail
Only qualified electronic signatures issued by issuers acceptable for the Bank, listed here, shall be accepted.
You are required to provide one-time Declaration presenting the email addresses for carrying out correspondence with The Bank and sending electronic documents signed with Qualified Electronic Signature (QES).
Download here.
- It is necessary to submit an application for electronic signing of documents through the Evrotrust service to the e-mail address specified in the sent correspondence.
Shall be certified by a legal representative/proxy on the last page of the document as “true copies” and shall have the date, time, full name and signature. It shall be specified that the authorized person has the right to fill in and submit declarations and documents in relation to the requirements of MAMLA.
Should you want to deposit an original or a notarized copy of the documents, you shall fill in a specific DECLARATION on depositing original documents.
Download here.
Documents issued by another country
Documents issued by authorities of another country in a foreign language shall be provided at the Bank accompanied by an official translation into Bulgarian.
- An original or a notarized copy of the official registration act
- A Statement of good standing from the relevant foreign register
- Another official document (depending on the country specifics), certifying the following:
- Establishing of the company
- Name and legal form of organization
- Registered seat and management address
- Mailing address
- Subject of activity or purpose
- Term of existence
- Management and representation bodies
- Type and members of the collective management body
- Main place of commercial activity
- Ownership and control structure
- Data of the individuals who are direct or indirect beneficial owners of the legal entity including copies of their identity documents
- Capital and capital distribution
- If the document is issued in a country which is a Hague Convention country (the Convention Abolishing the Requirement of Legalization for Foreign Public Documents of 1961), the document shall:
- have an apostille of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or another competent body of the respective country affixed to it;
- be translated into Bulgarian by a person from the list of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the translator's signature shall be notarized.
The list of Hague Convention countries is available here.
- If the document is issued in a country that has signed a bilateral agreement on legal assistance with the Republic of Bulgaria, stipulating the abolishing of the requirement of legalization of documents and other certificates, the document shall:
- contain all the requisites in accordance with the bilateral arrangement;
- be translated into Bulgarian by a person from the list of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the translator's signature shall be notarized.
Countries that have concluded bilateral agreements on legal assistance with the Republic of Bulgaria is available here.
- If the document does not belong to the above groups of countries, in order for the document to have effect in the Republic of Bulgaria, the document shall:
- be legalized by means of a certification by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the issuing country;
- the stamp of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the foreign country shall be legalized by the Bulgarian diplomatic or consular office in this country.
The foreign documents legalized by the diplomatic or consular offices of the Republic of Bulgaria do not need further certification and are valid on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria.
List of diplomatic offices accredited for the Republic of Bulgaria with a registered seat in a third country is available here.