Upcoming changes in the Tariff, Interest rates and General Terms
- Calendar Icon 02/28/2025
- Check Icon in force of 04/28/2025
- Text File Icon General terms
Notification of changes in the General Terms and Conditions for Servicing Payments with Payment and Prepaid Cards at a POS Terminal Device
Dear Clients,
We hereby notify you that, effective from 28.04.2025, UniCredit Bulbank AD introduces the following changes to its General Terms and Conditions for servicing payments with payment and prepaid cards on a POS terminal device:
- The Bank has the right to change its Tariff for Fees and Commissions for Legal Entities and Sole Traders and its Interest Bulletin for Legal Entities and Sole Traders, for which it notifies the Client by sending a statement to the electronic address specified by the Client in a contract and/or in another document submitted to the Bank, and/or made in the Bank's electronic banking channels, and/or by using another durable medium, no less than two months before the proposed date for the changes to take effect, while providing the information on the changes on the Bank's website and in its business premises. Changes in interest rates and exchange rates can be applied immediately and without prior notice as per the preceding sentence if these changes are based on the reference interest rate or reference exchange rate. In these cases, the Bank informs the Client of the changes as per the preceding sentence at the earliest opportunity, with the changes being provided to the Client in the above-mentioned manner. When changes in interest rates, exchange rates, or payable fees and commissions are more favorable to the Client, they are applied without prior notice.
- The Bank has the right to change these General Terms and Conditions, for which it notifies the Client by sending a statement to the electronic address specified by the Client in a contract and/or in another document submitted to the Bank, and/or made in the Bank's electronic banking channels, and/or by using another durable medium, no less than two months before the proposed date for the changes to take effect, while providing the information on the changes on the Bank's website and in its business premises.
- The Client will be considered bound by the changes in these General Terms and Conditions, respectively – the Tariff for Fees and Commissions for Legal Entities and Sole Traders and/or the Interest Bulletin for Legal Entities and Sole Traders, if they do not notify the Bank in writing that they do not accept them before the date of their entry into force. In case the Client does not agree with the proposed changes, they have the right to reject them and terminate the agreements to which these General Terms and Conditions apply, including the POS terminal device contracts, before the changes take effect, without bearing responsibility for costs and compensation.
- The following additional services/functionalities for a virtual POS terminal device are regulated: Tokenization (card on file); Recurring payments; Acceptance of payments through Apple Pay/Google Pay virtual wallets; Credit operation for disbursement of funds; Delayed collection of a pre-blocked amount.
- Editorial and other changes related to the document's update.
The changed General Terms and Conditions for servicing payments with payment and prepaid cards on a POS terminal device are available in the Bank's business premises and on its website.
For additional information, you can contact your servicing employee at UniCredit Bulbank AD or the Customer Contact Center of UniCredit Bulbank AD at tel.: 0700 184 84.
With this notification, the Bank informs payment service users that it considers they have accepted the changes in the above-mentioned General Terms and Conditions unless they notify the Bank that they do not accept these changes before the date on which the changes take effect. In case a payment service user does not accept the changes, they have the right to reject them and terminate the agreements to which the above-mentioned General Terms and Conditions apply, including the POS terminal device contracts, before the changes take effect, without bearing responsibility for costs and compensation.