Upcoming changes in the Tariff, Interest rates and General Terms
- Calendar Icon 05/07/2021
- Check Icon in force of 07/07/2021
- Text File Icon Tariff
Announcement for upcoming changes in Tariff for Individual clients - in force from 07.07.2021
Dear customers,
We hereby inform you that from 07.07.2021 UniCredit Bulbank AD will introduce the following changes applicable to individuals:
1. Introducing a storage fee on current and savings accounts of individuals, to be charged on an annual basis on the amount above BGN 400,000 (four hundred thousand)/equivalent in other currency of the total account balance on the above specified accounts, payable monthly, as follows:
0.7% (zero point seven tenths percent) on the amount above BGN 400 000 (four hundred thousand) of the total account balance of the current and saving accounts in BGN, and the BGN equivalent of the current and saving accounts balance in other currency, recalculated at the respective exchange rate of the Bulgarian National Bank for the days of the excess, payable monthly.
Money storage fee is not accrued on balances in: children and donation accounts; special accounts–account under conditions, accounts of notaries, lawyers, private bailiffs, insurance brokers/agents, investment intermediaries in which funds of third parties are stored.
2. The offering of standard term deposits will terminate both at the Bank’s branches and via its electronic channels.
3. The fees applicable to a part of the services provided to individuals under agreements for opening and servicing a payment account with basic features, which are specified in Appendix No. 1 to Ordinance No.3 of the Bulgarian National Bank on the terms and procedure for opening payment accounts, executing payment transactions and using payment instruments.
4. In accordance with the foreseen changes under item 1 and item 3, the Tariff of UniCredit Bulbank AD for fees and commissions applicable to individuals will be amended as follows:
4.1. In Section I “Accounts”, item 2 “Servicing and Maintenance of Account”, a new item 2.5 is created and two new notes are added.
4.2 In section I. “Accounts”, item 5. Payment account with basic features, Appendix 1.